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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Graduation from UCI

Graduating brings forth a joyful feeling, but also a sad one at the same time. One one side, I get to see all the people in my life who care about me. Friends who graciously give up their weekends to spend a day in Irvine to congratulate me. Not to forget those who sent their best wishes, I also appretiate their good thoughts. However, more importantly to my family who has supported me through the hard times and good times in college. Home is a place I know I can always turn to should the situation turn sour. And of course to Grace. The countless nights of staying up late doing homework. I don't know how I would have done it without you. I love each and every one of you!

However, it is sad because there won't be any more tests. Probably less late night hangouts. And even fewer Alerto runs. Roommates are moving out as new one will eventually move in. Life moves on. No. Life Begins!


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