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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Good Friends

I have been working on a relationship between a friend whom I have since grown distant. She attempted to befriend me nearly a year ago. Our friendship began to grow, but that came to a halt when I started seeing another girl (who is now my girlfriend) more. She then went overseas to study and I have not talked to her awhile. Since, I have found out that tension had grown. I didn't know why, and I'm still not sure exactly why she acts the way she does towards me. But today, I just about had it. I've tried to be nicer by planning outings with her, but when that didn't work out, everything went sour. Bottomline was, I was angry when she left. After consulting, I didn't know what to do. So I turn to my bible (something that hasn't been opened in a long time).

Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

I read that, I realize that I can't give up. A friend should love at all time. Seek the mistakes I have made. Friendships were made to take on hardships, even if this hardship occurs between friends. I just pray that everything works out.


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