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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Dirty White Rubber Gloves

Don't be deceived by people using white rubber gloves. Their hands may not actually be clean. Read on for a few not-so-crazy times I have seen those gloves become infected.

At the Costa Mesa Mitsuwa Marketplace's food court, I must have witnessed one of the most nasty moves ever. I'm usually not moved by such an action, but this was an unusual moment. My friend and I had ordered some Ramen noodles and had already found a seat. During our conversation, I periodically peer over to see if our food is ready. What I see is a man wearing a white rubber glove handling the food. What next surprised me was that he was playing with his face around his forehead and nose region. Within a minutes, that same waiter was handling our food with his not so clean glove.

The other incident involves a dentist. As you know, all dentists put on gloves before working inside your mouth. My question is, do they take off their gloves before they take notes with the pen. I have seen before when a particular dentist touches the same pen while wearing is gloves. Because he probably does this action with all his patients, and undoubtedly uses the same pen, there is some major bacteria transfers happening. The same thing happens with the light. It is often necessary to relocate the light in the middle of a session. How much bacteria is on the handle of the light?

This is just a warning that just because someone is wearing the white gloves, his gloves may not be clean. Often times, whenever I see those white gloves, I am tricked into thinking that their gloves must be clean. They're wearing glove. That just isn't the case.


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