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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Memory and the Brain

I ate dinner out at Wingnuts with friends the other day. One particular friend brought his textbook on psychology to the restaurant to study for an upcoming final. As we all finished up our wings and chips and waiting for the bill, I decided to thumb through the book. I stopped at a section talking about memory loss. Briefly, he told me that after 90 minutes after first learning information, you've already forgotten 50% of what you learned. After 4 hours, you've forgotten 90% of what you learned. Those numbers are staggering! I feel that if I had known this information before graduating college, I may have focused more on reviewing the material I learned right after class. The book said the key is repetition.

Another key aspect is how much multi-tasking occurs. The brain cannot handle switching between tasks. The information will actually become mixed up and more difficult for the brain to process. Therefore, if you are in a boring class, don't surf the web because you won't retain any of the information from class. However, we ran out of time before I was actually able to find out more on that topic. But this is very interesting and make me now wonder why I went for a computer science degree.

All in all, if you are still a student, just remember that after 90 minutes, which is the length of a college class and now some high school classes, you will forget 50% of the material you have learned. Secondly, don't multi-task while studying! Do one subject and finish it. Take a break, and continue studying.


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