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Friday, December 30, 2005

24, the TV Show

During a well overdue winter break from UCI, I've been consumed with the TV show 24. Without doubt, I love the show! Ever since borrowing Season 3 from a friend and then obtaining Season 4 from my brother's friend, my eyes have been glued to the television set. Season 3 is the first season that I've watched continuously without interruptions. The storyline was phenomenal and had excellent character development. It wasn't until the end of Season 3 that I've realized the many negative messages hidden within the crisis.

For one, I've noticed how many people have been screwed over by Jack Bauer. How many CTU agents lost their jobs just to help Jack? I understand that risk is part of the job description, but could 24 be sending a message to fans around the globe that it is okay to step all over colleagues to accomplish a goal? If so, I strongly believe that this is a horrible message to be promoting. And as I continue watching season 4, Jack Bauer succeeds in ruining other great relationships with "friends" merely to turn himself into a hero. It is wrong on so many levels.

I understand that 24 is just a TV show, and realize that many viewers may have also stumbled upon this. However, there is also a small percent of American teenagers who find role models off television. And with the currently popularity of 24, this show could be subconsciously affecting fans, possibly even you. Sure I may be taking this too far, but it's just something that has been on my mind. 24 is a fun and exhilarating show on the surface, but also a show with numerous dark hidden messages. But because I’ve identified this darkness, I watch with caution. I still love 24


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