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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fear of Graduating

My last eight years of education in high school, and then college have been quite a rollercoaster. Those older than 30 would probably not understand what I'm talking about. It is my belief that 30 years ago, one could easily apply to college, graduate, and find a well paying job. It seems that the most difficult task 30 years ago would be getting to school (treking through the cold snow), while the only thing on the minds of students today is meeting the grade. Competition is harsh in a global economy.

Seeing that I'm graduating in about a quarter and a half, I have to begin deciding what to do with my life after college. I've already decided, "No more school for me". Which leaves me no other option than to join the unemployed workforce of America and hope of a company to give me a chance to start my career. But for those already employed, do you have any tips on finding a job? You know and I'm about to find out how scary it is to be unemployed.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Good Friends

I have been working on a relationship between a friend whom I have since grown distant. She attempted to befriend me nearly a year ago. Our friendship began to grow, but that came to a halt when I started seeing another girl (who is now my girlfriend) more. She then went overseas to study and I have not talked to her awhile. Since, I have found out that tension had grown. I didn't know why, and I'm still not sure exactly why she acts the way she does towards me. But today, I just about had it. I've tried to be nicer by planning outings with her, but when that didn't work out, everything went sour. Bottomline was, I was angry when she left. After consulting, I didn't know what to do. So I turn to my bible (something that hasn't been opened in a long time).

Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

I read that, I realize that I can't give up. A friend should love at all time. Seek the mistakes I have made. Friendships were made to take on hardships, even if this hardship occurs between friends. I just pray that everything works out.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Amazing Cup Stacking

During dinner of Chinese New Years, a very interesting random topic came to the table. One about Cup Stacking! I had no idea what he was talking about and kept thinking to myself, “How difficult could stack cups be? I bet I could stack cups taller!” He claimed videos on feature a young girl stacking cups into several pyramids at unbelievable speeds. What's more amazing is that this child even holds the record for fastest cup stacker! I was skeptical, believing it to be a prank! After dinner, he brought down his iBook and sure enough, the video existed! At first I couldn't believe my eyes, but he assured me it was real. To see this video for yourself, simply click to or your favorite video streaming website. Search for “cup stacking” and be the judge. Then, after you realized how real it is, amaze co-workers, friends, and family!