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Monday, July 24, 2006

American's Hunger for More

Recently, I have personally come to a more clear understanding of the world in which I live. One life was before having money to spend, and the other life afterwards. It makes me sad in so many ways whenever I think about it, but life was so good when I did not have much money. Almost every meal would be home cooked. And to be honest, I enjoyed every meal despite what kind of odd vegetables my parents would cooked up. The bottom line is that five years ago, I was content and grateful for each and every meal. Today, life is different. Partially because of friend around me and partly because of the wonderful, yet expensive restaurants I have been to, a home cooked meal just is not as satisfying as it use to be. I yearn for delicious food during ever meal. But to go out of my way at the grocery store to buy fresher ingredients, a greater variety of seasoning, and higher end (like rib eye steaks) is more costly on the pocketbook. In addition, the extended preparation time of meals is a considerable difference. I just wish I could go back to the simple satisfying meals. The meals that were within budget, tasted decent, satisfied the body, and simile made me happy from five years ago. After all, food is food. It's main goal is to feed the body. Taste is a secondary goal.


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