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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Unkind Words

If you would look behind the smile you’d see they have a need.
They hurt alone in silence when unkind words are said.
They pray for those who hurt them every time they bow their head.
You’ll never see their suffering because they continue to smile.
All alone they cry the tears that’s hidden behind the smile.
You’ll never know the tears hidden behind the smile.
You won’t know another’s pain until you’ve walked with them a while.
Don’t ever be deceived by the smile they always make.
You’ll only know their hurt when the tears run down their face.
- Mary E. Rogers

Read this quote off a friend's profile today and realized I may be one of the people that cause this type of pain in some people. I spin worthless jokes around in circles in hopes of making people laugh. I like seeing people laugh. Seeing people happy. But sometimes I cross too far. Are they really laughing with me out of joy? Or is their laughter out of pain? Human nature is impossible to dissect. Everyone is different. Therefore, I believe the safest route is avoid jokes that may offend people. I know I'm not the only person with this problem, and if anyone has any other bright ideas on how to deal with this, just let me know. Really, the goal of my jokes are not to offend people. I just feel really bad now. I guess there are more personality issues I still need to deal with.

"Opportunities to be kind are never hard to find."

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Are you Shy?

The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.
-- Lady Bird Johnson

Since I was young, shyness has always been a problem. Looking back at my past now, I feel that my being shy has closed many doors of opportunity. Shyness has wide-ranged affects whether it be afraid of applying for a job, making a speech in front of a group of peers, or even just attending large social events. But often times those who are socially active overlook those who are shy. Because of my shyness, I believe that many of my peers look down on me. They judge me based on the fact that I am somewhat shy. Because of that, I often times deny the fact that I am shy when friends ask me. This I believe is really the worst thing to do of all. Your true friends are the one who will help with shyness issues. Trust in them. Are you shy and if you are, what steps are you taking to overcome your fears. There are many books out there that discuss shyness, none of which I have ever read. But I am certain that every shy person will to some degree be required to overcome shyness in order to succeed in Corporate America. America is not a society that will sit on their hands to wait for the laggers. If you are shy and it's affecting your everyday actions, I definetely suggest taking steps in reducing shyness.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Howie Day - Collide Lyrics

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

Don't stop here
I lost my place
I'm close behind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to ryhme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find
You and I collide

You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Windows XP Prompt for Password on Resume

If security is of top importance for you, then you probably don't use the hibernate feature of Windows XP. With hibernate, the computer saves all of your desktop activities onto your hard drive and subsequently shuts down the computer. Under normal circumstances, once the computer is restarted, Windows XP will return to the state prior to entering hibernation without prompting for windows XP. Additionally, there are no simple ways of enabling a password.

To fix this problem, you will need to enter the Registry (How to enter the Registry) and follow the instructions below: [ IMPORTANT: ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR REGISTRY BEFORE MAKING CHANGES! ]

1) Goto [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Power]. If it does not exist, create this path.
2) Under the 'Power' folder, create a DWORD called "PromptPasswordOnResume"
3) Set the 'Value data' to '1' to enable a password and '0' is disable the password.
4) Close the Registry Editor.

The next time you enter windows from hibernation or standby, Windows XP will prompt you to enter your password.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Unreal Reality TV

Reality television is on nearly every major television station. Reality Television, defined as a show without actors and scripts, attempts to film regular everyday people go about their daily lives. And it's difficult for anyone to say they've never seen a reality tv show. American Idol, Big Brother, Survivor, Project Greenlight, The Amazing Race, and Fear Factor are just a few of the major ones.

A major question that surfaces is this: Are the participants of Reality TV shows really acting like themselves? How can they not notice the 30+ cameras constantly filming their every move. Do the Survivors on the island not realize there are cameras hidden in trees? Did they forget about the mini mics that were planted on them before the day began? Maybe the term Reality TV is the wrong phrase for Reality TV. It's not real, and many other quality television show slots are being overrun by these shows. TV is just not as interesting as it use to be.

I'm not advocating that everyone boycott Reality TV. But rather to just be aware that the show isn't really reality, like the name dictates. And even I must admit that shows like American Idol is a funny show (I love watching and laughing at horrible singers!).

Friday, May 20, 2005

Google History Search

Google has many upcoming optional features that can increase functionality on their homepage at One of the many new features that are is interesting is a History Search. With this enabled, Google will record every websearch you make and the resulting website you visit. In this way, whenever you want to query a previously visited website, the only necessary step is search Google's History Search. Like all Google services, your privacy is protected at every step. It also allows you to delete searches from the history. This new feature is currently in beta stages, but is functional and anyone with a Gmail email can utilize this new feature. After signing up, a "Sign In" link will appear in the upper right hand side of your webpage allowing you to sign in before any History memorization begins. Another great feature being offered by Google.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Free AIM Email Address

Subscription based services at AOL are declining, and so the company has decided to offer email for free. If you have an AOL screen name, then starting May 12, 2005, you will also have a free email account at

Here is a quick summary about the features of AOL's new Free Email:
1) Two gigabytes of space
2) Spam and Virus protection
3) Single login for both AIM and email
4) Integration of your AIM presence
5) Unsend your messages sent to other addresses if unopened!
6) IMAP access as well as browser access

This service is ad-supported and will be available with the latest version of AIM due to be released on May 12, 2005. For more information, visit

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

How to Enter the Registry

There are a wealth of tweaks for all Microsoft Windows based Operating Systems that the vast majority of the public is unaware of. These tweaks are often times not available from user friendly drop down menus. Instead, they are only available through making changes in the Registry.

Changes can be easily made to the Registry through the Registry Editor. Although, if Operating System dependent keys are incorrectly altered, it is possible for Windows to fail startup. Even worse, it may be impossible to trace the error, or even fix it. If you plan on changing the Registry, please be careful to make changes to the Registry in the correct areas. Also, it would be very beneficial, in the case of accidental errors, that you backup the Registry before making changes.

To enter the Registry:
Start > Run > type 'regedit' > OK Button

Then, to make a Backup:
File > Export... > and save it to a location.

And that's how you can enter the Registry Editor to tweak your system!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Illusory Black Dots

Illusory black dots abruptly appear or disappear in white circles when we see the figure freely (the scintillation grid illusion).
On the other hand, the white circles disappear when we fixate at the center (the vanishing disk illusion).

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day 2005

This is to my mom! Happy Mother's Day! And to all the other moms, this day we dedicate to you!

The history that lies behind Mother's Day has been traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea (also known as Gaea), the Mother of the Gods. Rhea's husband Cronus was jealous of his children, so he swallowed the babies of Rhea one by one as they were born. Finally, Rhea tricked Cronus by giving him a rock wrapped in blankets. And so young Zeus survived his father's jealous rampage.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Major Flaw with Autosurf Programs

The use of autosurf programs to generate traffic for websites is inefficient. Without doubt, it will cause your counter to spin wildly out of control. However, it's also important to understand that it is targeting the wrong group of internet users. A visitor that spends a mere 20-30 second viewing your site only to gain credit so you will visit his a completely useless to your website's cause! Worst of all, 99% of those "vistors" probably aren't even looking at your website!

There's no question that the best form of traffic generation is minorly adjusting your website so search engines will crawl your site. Other great forms of advertising include link exchanging with similar websites. However, the next closest method of traffic generation is a programs with 20-30 second site visits along with a check after each site to ensure the user actually viewed the site. Two such programs are ClickThru and iLoveClicks.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Banana Nutritional Value

Bananas are one of the oldest fruits originating in India or Malaya. It is considered a hygienic fruit due to the thick layering of skin that protects the raw fruit against bacteria and contamination. Today, the number one producer of bananas is Brazil. An interesting fact is that the banana plant is not a tree, but instead the world's largest herb.
Bananas are a neutralizer for overly acidic gastric juices. They are also excellent against both constipation and diarrhea (due to water absorbent Pectin) because they normalize colonic functions. Additionally, bananas stored in a refrigerator hinder ripening. Finally, bananas and milk provide all the needed nutrient to the body.
The banana is a good source for quick energy and has over 100 calories. The combination of tissue building elements, protein, vitamins, and minerals make bananas a good as a breakfast food to start off the day.

Banana nutritional facts per 100 edible grams:
Moisture - 70.1%
Protein - 1.2%
Fat - 0.3%
Minerals - 0.8%
Carbohydrates - 7.2%
Fiber - 0.4%

Calcium - 85mg
Phosphorus - 50mg
Iron - 0.6mg
Vitamin C - 8mg

116 Calories

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The *NEW*

If you're seeking free innovative software, one of the best online websites to check out is Before, a grand majority of software was bundled with spyware and adware, but now every piece of software on their website is adware and spyware free due to their new policy. To regulate this new policy, scanned pre-existing and new freeware with three industry level spyware scanners including Lavasoft Ad-Aware, Webroot Spy Sweeper, and PC-Tools Spyware Doctor along with scanning for viruses. Additionally, their new policy still allows ad-supported software, such as AOL Instant Messenger and Opera, to be listed. This is yet another step the web is taking to stamp out adware and spyware. So if you haven't visited recently, now is a better than ever chance to check out the new! Find sites reviews along with user reviews, but more importantly free adwareless downloads!