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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Are you Shy?

The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.
-- Lady Bird Johnson

Since I was young, shyness has always been a problem. Looking back at my past now, I feel that my being shy has closed many doors of opportunity. Shyness has wide-ranged affects whether it be afraid of applying for a job, making a speech in front of a group of peers, or even just attending large social events. But often times those who are socially active overlook those who are shy. Because of my shyness, I believe that many of my peers look down on me. They judge me based on the fact that I am somewhat shy. Because of that, I often times deny the fact that I am shy when friends ask me. This I believe is really the worst thing to do of all. Your true friends are the one who will help with shyness issues. Trust in them. Are you shy and if you are, what steps are you taking to overcome your fears. There are many books out there that discuss shyness, none of which I have ever read. But I am certain that every shy person will to some degree be required to overcome shyness in order to succeed in Corporate America. America is not a society that will sit on their hands to wait for the laggers. If you are shy and it's affecting your everyday actions, I definetely suggest taking steps in reducing shyness.


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