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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Vista Del Campo at UCI Popularity

Vista Del Campo, known to many University of California Irvine students simply as VDC, began accepting housing applications for the 2006-2007 school year a few nights ago (November 1, 2005). Because available housing is offered to new applicants on a first come first serve basis, there were literally hundreds of people lined outside the leasing office the night before on Halloween. Tents were pitches, couches were brought out, and sleeping bags were rolled out. Students sat in line on Halloween night to highten their opportunity of finding a spot at VDC. November 1st was clearly VDC's version of "Black Friday" for the retail industry.

The good news for college housing seekers is that most of those applicants had goals of living at the original VDC. Currently, Vista Del Campo Norte is being constructed and should be completed by Fall 2006. Although VDC Norte should be just as nice, the living space is less and it comes at a higher price. And though finding a spot at VDC Norte will be competetive, it will not be as competitive as the original VDC. At least not this year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't believe I /wanted/ to live in VDC or Norte...What was I thinking? I'm paying for it now :-(

2:22 PM  

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