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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Tihomir Petrov for Math 6C at UCI

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In the beginning, Tihomir Petrov appears to be a professor who not only cares about teaching, but is good at it. He set out strict guidelines encouraging without forcing students to attend class. His handwriting is easily legible. Although he has a minor accent, it's wasn't a problem at all. He speaks slowly and always addresses questions immediately when they come up. Petrov definitely knows his Linear Algebra (Math 6C) and is capable of teaching it. Beware that since he can teach, he can also write mean difficult exams.

However, as the class progressed, the true nature of his self being came out. When midterm reviews came out, he seemed to enjoy picking at the self esteem of his students, by embarrassing his students up in the front of class. Overall, he is a great teacher so long as you can handle is obviously firm grasp of authority of his class. Personally, if I were to retake this class, I would try a different professor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tihomir Petrov was just arrested for urinating on his colleague's door. Hilarious.

I had this guy in class and I always suspected him of abusing cocaine. He used to come into class looking like he'd been up all night, then halfway through he'd bend down behind the podium and come up with white residue on his face.

He would then become immediately agressive and verbablly berate students.

7:49 AM  

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