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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Firefox Browser

If you don't have the browser already then you have definitely heard about it. In one quick sentence, it's "the free web browser that's challenging Microsoft's Internet Explorer". One might ask how such a browser run by an organization of free-lance programmers run up again such a mighty competitor? The answer lies in the fact that Firefox is an open-source browser thereby giving anyone access to the code behind the program (you could even see it if you wanted).

And Firefox is better than Internet Explorer in security, speed, and stability.
  1. Firefox can ward off many of those unwanted adware programs simply because of default settings that prevent programs from being installed. ActiveX was the main component of Internet Explorer that opened the floodgates to spyware. Firefox doesn't even have the option of enabling ActiveX because of the damage that can be caused.
  2. Firefox is much speedier than Internet Explorer because of more efficently written code. Internet Explorer has code that was written from when Microsoft was first conceived.
  3. And it's stable because of the millions of times Firefox has been tested by open-source programmers all around the world. Everyone has access to the code which allows the Firefox to be run, tested, and debugged on various computer environments around the globe.
By default, Firefox is equipped with the bare minimum to surf the web. Via Extentions offered for free on the Firefox site, anyone can add-on features to customize their Firefox experience. And best of all, the look and feel of Firefox (by default) is exactly like Internet Explorer. So give Firefox a try!


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