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Saturday, July 15, 2006

UC Irvine: Multipurpose Science & Technology Building (MSTB)

MSTB is located towards the southern quadrant of campus. To reach MSTB, one walks away from Aldrich Park from the Roland Hall area between a stretch of pedestrian walkway between parking lots 12A and 12B and look for a generic rectangular shape building that sits two stories high. Inside is a myriad of classrooms on the first floor and professor offices on the second floor. There is plenty of concrete block seating available right outside the classroom if you get to class early, however it is not considered a true hangout location. Because MSTB is further away from most other buildings, most loitering students are most likely just waiting for class. Additionally, there is plenty of bike racks located directly around the building

When one walks through the main entrance, there is very little information posted on the whereabouts of room numbers, so get to class early. Most if not all of the lecture halls are located in the middle of the building where there are no windows. Science labs are located on the sides and are lucky enough to have windows. Lecture halls are fairly upgraded with a pair vertically sliding chalkboards. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the building, the seats are all placed on level ground as opposed to stadium seating, so be sure to get to class early and find a seat in the front half. Sitting in the back means constant squirming to see of the sea of heads. Professor offices are upstairs along with the computer lab, TA office hours, and the Math tutoring center. The layout of the second floor is very confusing compared to the first floor. Often times, I'd go up and circle the second floor multiple times in search of a specific room number.

So overall, though MSTB looks like any other generic office building from an outside, it is an absolute horror to navigate through the inside. The key is to get there early on the first day to locate not only the building, but then


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am newly attending UC Irvine, and I had no idea what MSTB stood for, expecting the physics courses to be in Reines and... that building next to Reines. Thanks.

9:15 AM  

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