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Saturday, April 09, 2005

ScreenName Power

Since the popularization of online communications via forums, email, or instant messenger, internet users have covered their true identities with screen names as a form of protection online. And although this is an important policy for youngsters to abid by, it has unforseen drawbacks. I am in no way advocating replacing your screen name with your real name, but instead just stating overlooked facts. A screen name offers internet users not a protected identity, but instead a whole new identity. There's no need to keep a healthy image online with a screen name, as one may have to indure in daily life. This lack of a necessity of upkeeping a healthy online identity therefore leads many people to trashtalk and say things they would othewise not say. That is polluting our internet, and in turn our minds and souls. Too often I read forums with threads trashed with yelling and cursing (most of which is directed to strangers) at replies that have simple mistakes.

In the future to come, I would hope that internet users begin to see the results of their actions, and take more responsibility for the words inputed online. Or maybe someday, a world-wide online internet standard will be established in which everyone will be given one personal identity, whether it be a numerical value or an alphanumerical name. The internet is a wonderful resource to now only browse, but to interactively get involved with others around the world. Take advantage of the internet responsibily!


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