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Friday, April 08, 2005

Transition from High School to College

Now is the time high school seniors have received their letters of acceptance from various colleges around the United States. It is now up to the student to visit universities of interest to dedicate their next four years to earn a college degree. Large tour groups can be seen roaming the campus as the visit the sites, and tour leaders give them detailed descriptions and reasons as to why to choose a specific school.

College is a major investment for parents, for college tuition can be very costly depending on the school. Money spent for books, tuition, housing, meals, and entertainment bills can quickly add up. Unfortunately, even the easist jobs these days require a college degree, many of which are unattainable for those less fortunate. Luckily, college money is usually available. Just go to your high school counselors to find out what the state can do for you. Money is always available, and that is the beauty of the United States. Don't let money hold you back from your education.

College is not only a place for students to gain education, but even more importantly a place to build a strong community of life long friends. To build better communication skills, more efficient time management, and to mature from teenager to adult. To achieve this seemingly monumentous task, once homework is completed, go out and have some fun! College will be the best years of your life. Make the most of it!


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